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Web Designing Trends for 2019

Come December 31st and we will be at the end of a decade. Over these years, the internet has grown and changed with the evolution of smartphones, AR, VR, AMP, AI, and so many more. And this goes for web designing trends and technologies too. Gone are the days of grids and stock photos. Web designing has now been taken over by vibrant and bold color schemes and illustrations, with machine learning in place, websites have become smarter, from typography to text usage, voice and VR interfaces and everything that you can think of the modern UX. There are so many new things happening every day in web designing that it is almost impossible to cover them all. Here is our top list of web designing trends for 2019.

Bright colours

When we talk about visuals, colour scheme plays an important role. 2019 saw all bright colours – from image overlays to animations vibrant colour pallets gained much popularity and will continue to do so in 2020 as well. While bright colours started gaining popularity from flat images, it has been embraced wholeheartedly by designers. Even Pantone has got into the trend by naming bright blue – Living Coral – as the ‘colour of the year’.


Illustrations have gained a lot of popularity because it reminds us of the exclusive nature of art.

3 D illustrations

Web designers are looking to add depth and shapes to graphics designed to blur the edges and create a 3D effect. While VR is not accessible to all, we can still see its influence in the current web designs. Depth in layers and animations are the trendsetters when it comes to 3D illustrations.

Playing with emotions

We have seen the trend of emotional design on the rise and it’s going to stay for some time. But what is emotional design? Putting it simply, emotional design is all about making a connection with the user. Quoting Design Shack, “emotional connections fall into four basic categories — joy and sadness, trust and disgust, fear and anger, and surprise and anticipation.” The purpose of emotional design is to evoke any one or more of the emotions in the consumer to make an emotional connection. Experts believe that websites and apps that are missing out on establishing an emotional design, might get lost in 2020.

Surreal and abstract designs

Surreal and abstract designs have made their place in web designing trends and they are going to rule for some time. Users love this because users can relate to these designs in their terms – the concept is pretty much in line with the emotional design concept and that’s why it works well.

Design for conversational interfaces

With the evolution of technology, the way people interact with their phones and websites is changing. Many people use voice interaction in their smart devices and so web designers need to keep in mind to create a user experience that is in sync with the way people interact with their websites.

Black and white are back

As we already discussed, how bold colors are creating a style statement in web designing, at the same time, we are also seeing how black and white combination is making impressive designs. If you are counting on shapes and objects more than the color scheme, then black and white are the tones for you.

Single page design is the new normal

Scrolling down was once passé but it is making a comeback again where web designers are adding more interesting scroll features. With intuitive storytelling that keeps the audience hooked, single page design is making a strong foothold in 2019 and beyond. The single-page works better in mobile than multiple pages. And as we know – mobile users are used to scrolling.

Gradients are cool

When you want to add a fun burst of colours to your web designing, gradients work well. Try gradient background if you need to breakdown the texts or create an interesting background for product placement.

Vintage typography back in style

The vintage typography has been the most eye-catching and refreshing web designing trend we have seen in 2019. It gives better screen resolution and readability thus engaging with the users.

From colours to layout to typography there has been a paradigm shift in the web design trend in 2019. It would be interesting to watch which of these trends stay in 2020 and what new features come in the new decade. Till then, we bid adieu. 

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