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How to secure a WordPress website

If you’re a WordPress user, then you’re already aware of its great features. With so many free templates available, it is easy to use and set up your website, loads of great features and some amazing SEO tools to give a boost to your content. Undoubtedly, WordPress is one of the best Content Management System (CMS) out there. But, with popularity comes security issues too. The last thing you want is to wake up and find to your horror that your WordPress site is hacked by some hacker or your site is suspended for phishing emails. Quite possible, isn’t it? It’s not just the cost of fixing everything in one place, but it also costs your reputation which is hard to restore. Well, you don’t need to despair for that. Here are some easy solutions that will help you to secure your WordPress website without much hassle and cost.

2-factor authentication logging works!

One of the safest ways to secure your WordPress website is implementing a two-factor authentication logging for your site. It adds an extra layer of login security to your system. So, when someone tries to access your website, it requests an additional proof of ID, such as a mobile generated code or secret questions to grant access.

Restrict login attempts

This is another great way to secure your WordPress website. By enabling WP to limit login plugin, you can limit the login attempts and prevent hackers from penetrating your site. The plugin automatically blocks an IP that crosses the threshold of failed login attempt at any given period of time.

Invest in a good hosting company

Once your website is ready, invest in a good hosting company to host your site. You may get tempted to save a few bucks by going with the cheaper options in the market, however, those few extra bucks can actually provide a good additional layer of security to your WordPress site.

Don’t fall for a null theme

WordPress premium themes not only look professional but they are customizable to a great extent so that you get the look and feel as you want. However, these are not free and you need to purchase them. Hence, many website owners go for the cracked or null theme version that are illegal copies of the premium themes. These are free but and dangerous for your site. Most of the time they have hidden malicious updates. Instead, save yourself and your site by investing in the WordPress premium themes which are coded by experts with multiple layers of security checks.

Install SSL certificate

SSL or Single Sockets Layer is a powerful tool for any website security. Even Google has realized and recognized the benefits of SSL and hence it gives importance to websites that is SSL certified within its search results. Almost every hosting company offers a free SSL certificate which you can install on your site. However, you need to pay for it if you are having transactions (like cash transactions) in your site.

Hide your site’s .htaccess and wp-config.php files

This is an advanced procedure to safeguard your WordPress site. However, if you are familiar with this, then go ahead and implement or else I recommend to take the help of experienced developers. Your site may become inaccessible in case there is any mistake. The process also requires to take a backup of your site and you need to exercise extra caution while performing it. However, it’s a strong method to safeguard your site from hackers.

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